Moving the phpBB Forum and Moving Wood Chippings

Forum Fun

Recently the web site has been down due to too many people being on at once and overloading the system. My wonderful hosts suggested I upgrade but I already pay nearly 4 times what I pay for a much more ‘feature rich’ service in the US.

If I moved the site to my US server it would mean that the forum would be offline for at least two days so I figured the best thing to do was to move the forum to another server account, spreading the load.

I made a list of the things I would need to do and how long it would take and decided to go for it with the forums being offline for between two and three hours.

About 11am I took the forum offline and began the process. By 3pm, when Larry called round, I was head in hands trying to work out what I’d done wrong as it just wasn’t working. Suffice to say it was an easy mistake to make and I felt sooo stupid when I realised what I’d done.

Back online by early evening and then I started various tweaks and modifications to keep things running smoothly. At 1.30 am I headed for bed.

Present Arrives

I gave myself a present and ordered the tool sharpener on offer from TwoWests (via this site) and the postman duly delivered this morning along with some cloche clips. Had to have a go, of course and I can report it sharpened my penknife perfectly.

To the Plot

Finally the weather wasn’t bad and work not pressing so to the plot. I should have gone down this morning but I was a bit slow off the mark after my late night so after lunch I strolled around to the plot. Cleared a few more yards and dug over a bit more of plot 29 ready for the frosts to do their work of breaking it down.

Shipped a few barrow loads of chippings to make up the new paths and renew the old ones on the plot.

It was a cold day, but bright and really good to get some fresh air and old fashioned exercise.

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