Potting on Brassicas, Soil Temperatures and Effects on Plant Growth

In the Greenhouse

The weather is starting to improve, although it’s pretty cold, especially in the wind. I thought about going down to the plot but the last of the pepper seedlings were crying out for a bigger home.

So onto three inch pots went the last of the seedlings, which left one small problem, where to put them. The space situation is getting pretty critical and we now have a three-tier rack in the lounge by the south facing patio doors. After some discussions with the boss, she agreed a short term let of the bottom tier.


The brassicas were beginning to fill their modules as well, so potting on time for those as well. Since I joined the National Vegetable Society, I”ve been picking up tips and one thing that stands out is lots of lime with brassicas. Since these guys do grow the most wonderful crops, following their advice seems like a good idea.

I took ordinary multi-purpose compost, the remains of some seed trays where the seedlings have been moved on and a dusting of ground limestone. Mixing them up gave me the ‘brassica compost?. I must admit to a little concern in case the lime burns the roots, but time to have some faith in the experts!

The next job was some re-arranging and squeezing. Eventually every inch of the cold frames were filled and every shelf in the greenhouse. I think I?d best get on with planting out as soon as possible.

Soil Temperature

One speaker at the NVS mentioned that there was little point in sowing or planting when the soil temperature was too low. The ideal for a lot of plants is apparently around 12 degrees C. It?s certainly not that that now.

You can warm the soil before planting though with cloches or fleece, so that?s my answer. First I need to rotovate it. Spring is but a couple of days away and things are speeding up

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2 comments on “Potting on Brassicas, Soil Temperatures and Effects on Plant Growth
  1. ann smith says:

    What size pot do I use before I put them in the ground?

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