Leaves and Chippings
Since it wasn’t raining to the plot around 2.30pm. The plan was just to fill up the leafmould bin on plot 29. Just getting to the bin and the compost heaps on plot 5 is tricky as the mud is so slippy and the wood chip paths have just gone into the quagmire.
So, back and forth with barrow loads of leaves to the cage using a plank as a ramp to get the pile higher.
About 3.30pm arrives a very swish council lorry – looked brand new with a friendly couple of chaps arrives and tips a pile of chippings. Now there were only two of us on the site and we attacked it like hungry vultures.
I piled up about eight barrow loads near the plot 5 compost heaps. I need to take the level down a couple of inches – which is mainly composted chippings and mud – before spreading in front of the heaps.
The rest were used to cover the path between my plot and plot 4. By quarter to five I could no longer see and so have left the last few barrowloads for the morning shift tomorrow. I did consider getting my torch that straps to the head and carrying on but that way leads to madness!
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