Greenhouse Suffers Storm Damage

The Storm’s Aftermath

A real storm last night left part of my greenhouse roof sitting in next door’s garden! So first job of the day was to retrieve the amazingly undamaged sheet of polycarbonate and fix all back together.

Strange how warm it was last night, almost a Spanish wind rather than the usual winter storm. Global warming seems to really be with us.

This afternoon, down to the allotments. No damage to either of my plots but others on the site were not so lucky. The greenhouse on the plot next to 29 is now missing a side with broken glass all over the path. Some other greenhouses now look like surreal aluminium sculptures, twisted and crumpled.

Since I’m still suffering the after effects of the new year flu, nothing to strenuous was called for. Topped up the leaf cage on plot 29 and marked out a path on plot 5. Cleaned off some grass clumps and then carted 4 barrow loads of wood chippings.

Since I was coughing like a good ‘un and the sun was setting that was it for the day. The soil is still pretty wet but a few dry days should let me catch up.

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