Out came the sunshine, down came the rain. With apologies to Izzy Wizzy the spider.
After watching the rain pour all morning and most of the afternoon, the sun came forth and all looked well with the world.
Knowing the allotment would be sodden, decided to plant out some lettuce seedlings on the deep bed. So, bearing a tray of little gems, to the plot. Plot 6, (next door, no digging apparent) was looking like a paddy field.
The comfrey is ready for a cut to go in under some spuds, assuming I get chance to plant them. I had to water the comfrey cuttings in the coldframe, then get out a trowel, measuring stick and a cloche for the lettuce.
Walk over to the bed and the heavens opened again. Arghhhh!
All back to the shed, thence home again.
Sowed some outdoor cucumbers, Lockerbies Perfection, and placed in the heated propogators.
All the courgettes have germinated in there – 100% ain’t bad – so moved them to unheated propogators in my bedroom window.
And so to prayer for better weather tomorrow!
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