New Drive Belt for the Merry Tiller and Planting Parsnips

Repaired the rotovator and planted parsnips.

It was far easier than I thought to find a new belt for the Merry Tiller and ?13.89 lighter I returned to the plot. 5 minutes later it was running again.

So, finished the potato bed on plot 29 and then removed the extended tines on the MT so I could manoeuvre better and did the brassica bed as well.

Did some seed sorting and realised I was overstocked on a few things, which I couldn’t use before their ‘sow by’ dates so took those to the site and gave them away – no use to me so why not see them go to people who can use them.

Then I used the Mantis to get a fine tilth at the shed end of plot 5 and sowed 3 rows of parsnip, “Avonresister “. Parsnips are always a pain, germination is rarely good but they don’t like being crowded so when they start to come up, I’ll thin to 6” apart.

The rows are about 9″ apart. I drew a shallow drill, thinly scattered the seed in and then thinly covered with potting compost. This should help them get off to a good start.

David from the far corner of the site turned up driving his rotovator. A Howard Dragon that he has had the engine overhauled on. What a beast! 2 powered wheels, enclosed blades, forward and backward gears as well as power take off.

But hardly the charm of my Merry Tiller

Promise of good weather again tomorrow followed by rain on Wednesday so hope to grab some time tomorrow. The comfrey is almost ready for a cut to go under a row or two of potatoes.

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