The book is finally here! Regular readers will know I wrote a book last year – Vegetable Growing Month by Month. I’ve probably said before, and I’ll say it again, writing a book is a lot of work.
If I make an error on a web page, no problem. I can go back and fix it but a book is different. Once the printer has it, that’s it – warts and all. It was supposed to be 198 pages originally but it ended up as 256 pages with line drawn illustrations.
The chat forums have shown me how many people are starting out without a clue. They’ve often read something and, more often than not, got the wrong end of the stick. They want to be organic but don’t know what that really means and so often I read “I’ve got an allotment, what do I do now?”
The saddest thing I saw was a lady using a seaweed stimulant in the hope of saving her crops that were starving to death in lifeless, nutrient depleted soil. Vitamins might help someone starving but they need food to live on.
Anyway, I’m no TV gardener with a back office team to ensure only perfect plots of perfect vegetables appear on screen, regurgitating the latest fad theory that I’ve not really tried. I’m an average bloke with two allotments and 30 years of growing behind me.
Sometimes I get it right, sometimes I get it wrong. This is known as learning! I’ve written down what I know to work and how I do it.
The drawings are black and white – do you really need a photograph in colour to recognise a potato? Didn’t think so. I wanted it to be affordable to all, because if you’re unemployed or tight for money, £20 for pretty pictures is not a good buy. £5.99 for solid information is.
You can find out more about the book here – Vegetable Growing Book. You can buy a copy, signed, direct from me or via Amazon and all good bookstores. They’re good bookstores if they stock it! It’s a bit cheaper at Amazon if you’re buying other books at the same time and don’t pay for delivery.
I will be buying a copy with my next Amazon order. Its 20 years since I gardened properly and I am just gettin back into gro bags. Just out of interest does the look inside this book cost the author? I quite often try before I buy, especially with cookery and garden books.
Hi Jane
No it doesn’t cost me at all – I’ve put the chapter contents online (follow the link at the top).
Amazon etc are handled by the publishers – it just seemed silly not to offer it direct so I bought some copies to re-sell.
Hope you do find it what you want.