Month by Month Growing

The last article in my Month by Month Gardening series is online now.  What to do in the Garden in September covers, well you guessed it.

The series has proved very popular and I’m amazed how many people have told me it’s been useful to them. The problem with writing is you rarely know what people think. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so I should be happy to have found one of my articles has been copied (without my knowledge or permission) on another web site almost word for word. Just  enough changes to make a legal case difficult.

Anyway, the problem with writing for the web is that you can’t go into as much depth as you like on a page. People tend to scan rather than read and because of the structure of a web site you never know what has been read first so you tend to duplicate in case they haven’t seen other parts of the series.

My book will cover the garden year in much greater depth and should be available in the spring. It will enable me to go into greater depth and detail as well as present things as I think best for the reader to absorb. Better still, you will be able to read it in bed or the bath and take it down to the plot with you. Unless you have a wi-fi laptop that’s a bit tricky with a web site.

Anyway, hope you find it a useful guide.

Posted in New on Site
2 comments on “Month by Month Growing
  1. Vicky Harfield says:

    Hi I have just managed to get an allotment in Littlehampton West Sussex and now I have I really am looking for a step by step beginers guide. I am a complete novice but very keen to learn. Have you any suggestions. Thanks Vicky

  2. John says:

    There’s a list of suggested books, forums on here where you can get advice from other growers and articles.

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