Coping with Climate Change

Like most of us in the UK I’m wondering when the rain will stop. After the hottest April on record we had the wettest June and July is looking pretty dire as well. Although we can not pin down any one event to climate change it’s pretty obvious that something is happening. We regularly seem to be breaking weather records and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to predict the weather.

We’ve had warm springs and cool summers but this weather pattern is becoming more extreme each year. The increased energy in the weather system brings more dramatic events from whirlwinds to storms beyond anything we’ve had before.

When we were discussing the this rain spell we’re suffering on the forums, somebody said “There will be a hosepipe ban next”. In fact that’s more likely than you might think. The effect of climate change so far has been to give us extremes of weather and we could well find that next month we have no rain and are plunged into drought.

Having had some time to think about this problem and discuss it with a number of gardeners, I’ve written an article about  How Gardeners Can Cope with Climate Change. I hope it is helpful and at least provides some food for thought.

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