Online Diary Hacked

This online diary section has been hacked and I’m trying to fix things.

The last 24 hours have been a lot of fun. When I started this online diary system, I thought it was great but as time goes on you think "it would be nice if I could add.." So you add a little module here, tweak a setting there and improve something else.

So when the hammer dropped, my hosting providers were very good and rolled back the database for the diary which meant the content was safe but a lot of the software was in need of updating to ensure it wasn’t left vulnerable. When the burglar has the keys, you change the locks.

Unfortunately the new locks are so good that I can’t open some of the doors. The search facility isn’t working at the moment and there are a few other bits in the background that are broken.

Anyway, I’ve not had much sleep but at least things look something like.

Apologies for this diary and the site being offline at points.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary
6 comments on “Online Diary Hacked
  1. G Evans says:

    Great site long may you go on,keep the faith.

  2. Richard says:

    Bad news John, but in capable hands to put it right.
    Annoying doing these things when you could be on the Plot enjoying the fair weather (well, it is down this way).

    I’m sure all your regular visitors appreciate all the good work you do.


  3. John says:

    Thanks for the kind words – it’s nearly back to where it should be but asking for software support at the weekend isn’t a great deal of use. Hopefully I’ll be 100% OK next week.

  4. James Dougan says:

    Best of luck getting things sorted, and get plugging that book!!!!

  5. caroline says:

    It’ll be an ill wind I think, as you may get to find out how many of us depend on you for our allotment fix! Please dont lose any more sleep on my account though. I hate missing out on the old Z’s myself. Hackers Grrrrrrr.

  6. Tony says:

    Ah well, Instead of reading about it, I’ll have to get my boots on and get some prep work done.
    By the way, Ive just bought quite a lot of seed from a company called The real seed catalougue… has you used them and what results did tou get.. I’m hoping for good results — whats your dealings with them????

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