Tomatoes Dry Under Cloche, French Beans from France

Tomatoes and beans

Having been away for 2 days in France I was straight down to the plot. Eveerything looked fine except the tomatoes under cloche on plot 5. On removing the cloches it was apparent they needed some water, despite the fact there was a fair amount yesterday.

This dryness seems to be caused by the weed supressant fabric. It does allow water through but tends to shed it. The slugs have been busy and have eaten some of the inter-planted marigolds. Next plan is to sink some plastic tubes, made from old pop bottles, next to the plants to allow for easy watering.

The temperature is pretty good now and the tomatoes getting too large so I removed the cloches to the shed.

Then the rain came down so back home,

French beans all the way from France

I love beans – runner, French and broad so couldn’t resist the opportunity to pick up a pack of “Haricot Nain, de Rocquencourt” in France. Much to the surprise of the checkout operator who looked at me as if to say “this isn’t wine!”. A waxy, yellow dwarf French bean, should be interesting. Also picked up a pack of radish. Seeds are good value in France and every supermarket has a good selection.


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