Recipe for Marrow and Parsley Cream Crumble sent in by: Granny Dumplin
Ingredients for Marrow and Parsley Cream Crumble:
- 2lb x marrow peeled, de-seeded and ½” cubed.
- 1 pint x parsley sauce (if you use instant sauce add extra cream and fresh parsley).
- 6 oz x fresh bread crumbs.
- 2 oz x mix of seeds i.e. sunflower, pumpkin or use cashew nuts.
- 2 tbsp x sunflower or nut oil.
- Salt and pepper.
Method for Marrow and Parsley Cream Crumble:
- Place diced marrow in large bowl and sprinkle with salt and leave for 30 minutes (this weeps out excess water from the marrow) rinse off marrow to remove the salt.
- Put (washed) marrow in deep oven proof dish and add parsley sauce.
- Mix bread crumbs with seeds/nuts, salt and pepper.
- Add oil to crumb mix and rub through with fingers.
- Layer crumb mix on top of marrow /sauce mix.
- Pre-heat oven to medium and cook dish for 30-35 minutes.
Another great recipe for Marrows from ‘Grandma Dumplin’
What a fantastic site. I have always enjoyed cooking and this is the first year I have grown my own vegetables. What a learning curve. I was looking for marrow recipes and stumbled on this site. Brilliant I shall come back often. Thankyou
Need recipe for large marrow. much bigger than our zucchini
I made this crumble last year and it is gorgeous. I use oat milk rather than cow milk, and I’ve chucked some peas in it this time. I’m just wondering if it will freeze?