Mixed Fruit Chutney Recipe

mixed fruit chutney

The beauty of any chutney is that no two batches are the sane. Different types of fruit in different proportions will change the flavour a little every time.

Ingredients for Mixed Fruit Chutney:

  • 1 lb (450 g) onions
  • 3 lb (1.4 kg) mixed fruit – apples, pears, plums, damsons etc.
  • 4 oz (112 g) dried dates
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon mixed spice
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1 lb (450 g) soft brown sugar
  • 1 pint (570 ml) vinegar

Method for Mixed Fruit Chutney:

  1. Peel and chop the onions and boil in a little water until they are soft. Drain.
  2. Wash, peel and core the fruits and chop into pieces. Chop the dates. Crush the garlic.
  3. Put all the ingredients into a pan, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer, stirring frequently until the chutney is thick.
  4. Ladle into hot, clean, sterilized jars, cover and seal.
  5. Label when fully cool.

Makes about 3 lb (1.4 kg) of Mixed Fruit Chutney.

Like most chutneys, kept in properly sterilized and sealed jars this will keep for at least a year in a cool dark place. Once opened, keep in the fridge and try to use within 4 weeks.

General Chutney Making Information

Chutneys - How to Make Chutney

Chutneys - How to Make Chutney

Chutneys originated in India – the name derived from the Hindu word chatni . They then came back to Britain with explorers where they were a hit and are now a very popular preserve all over the world. The scope of chutneys is endless and t...

Preserving Jars, Labels and Covers

Preserving Jars, Labels and Covers

Store, preserve, label and cover your home grown fruit and vegetables with this extensive range of products. You've made it so it is only fair to show it off at its best!
Jam and Preserve Making Equipment

Jam and Preserve Making Equipment

All the equipment you need to easily make your own jams, chutneys and preserves. Say goodbye to mass-produced supermarket jams and preserves and start producing your own unique accompaniments to meals using your own produce.

Posted in Apples, Val's Preserves, Fruit, Vegetarian Recipes, Chutneys, Damsons, All Recipes, Pears, Plums
51 comments on “Mixed Fruit Chutney Recipe
  1. Liz says:

    this looks delicious – can’t wait to make it!

  2. pauline thompson says:

    made this it was good easy to follow

  3. pauline thompson says:

    pear pickle done today stored away for xmas cant wait

  4. This is more a question. I never know when chutney is thick enough. Is there any advice available? With jam I just test for set. Talking of jam, do you know how much a pouch of liquid pectin is? I have never seen it. What is the equivalent. Thank you Pauline Nicks

  5. I am not sure whether I pressed the right button the computer. Did you receive my question? Thank you Pauline

  6. Val says:

    We’ve been on holiday and only got back last night. With chutney, it really is a matter of judgement – evaporate off most of the liquid until it reaches the right consistency and remember that it will set a little firmer when in the jars and cooled. Liquid pectin is usually sold under the name of Certo, although Tescos do their own. Sainsbury’s sell Certo. It’s about £1.50 for a bottle. I usually use dried Pectin (Silver Spoon) and it comes in a pack of 3 sachets – it’s available at most Morrisons, Asda and some Co-ops and is about £1.20 for the 3 sachets.

  7. Jackie Woodruffe says:

    having made your spiced plum chutney we are now slightly addicted to making chutney and would like to try this one. What sort of vinegar is needed? Is is white distilled or the malt type you put on chips? Sorry if this is a really dumb question – we are beginners!

  8. Val says:

    You could use either. Just make certain that it has an acetic content of at least 5 per cent.

  9. jenny says:

    I am simmering my plum chutney at the minute and wondering whether to leave the lid off to let it reduce or not.

  10. lucy says:

    i have just about finished making the chutney and have just realised i have no waxed discs for my jars – how important are they cos aboviously i will not be using any!

  11. Val says:

    As long as the jars are scrupulously clean and sterilized, you should get away with it.

  12. Annette says:

    Made this today had to fight visitors off from pinching it, does this chutney need to mature for a few months, it tastes great as it is, and also what is the shelf live, does it need to be eaten within a certain time, sorry just started makeing jams and chutneys and am now quite addicated thank you.

  13. Annette says:

    As you can see I can not type either loads of spelling mistakes x

  14. Val says:

    It will improve even more if you can resist it for a couple of months! Shelf life, at least 12 months but I’ve had chutneys that are considerably older than that.

  15. kurlybap says:

    just what i was looking for

  16. Dawn says:

    I have just finished making this chutney, I used just apples and pears and although it is still hot I couldn,t resist trying some with bread, butter and cheese and it is absolutely delicious. No chance of this keeping until christmas!

  17. Lucy says:

    I am currently making this chutney but I’m not sure how long to simmer it for. It’s been simmering for over half an hour but there still seems to be a lot of liquid. Should that be the case or do I need to reduce it until there isn’t much liquid left at all?

  18. Val says:

    Yes you need to reduce it until it is thick. Leave the lid off, and keep on going. It can take upto 2 hours.

  19. Jean says:

    Mixed fruit chutney – cooking apples or eating apples?

    Many thanks

  20. Val says:

    Either will do for a chutney.

  21. pauline thompson says:

    try this chilli jam my family love it
    2 oz med red chillis finely chopped
    175grms onions finely chopped
    350grms sweet red peppers deseeded finely chopped
    2large cloves garlic finely chopped
    450ml white wine vinegar
    12oz graulated sugar 2tbls lemon juice
    cook onions in alittle water till soft .drain well put peppers chillis garlic in the pan with onions,and vinegar simmer 25 mins
    add warmed sugar stir till disolved add lemon juice bring to boil, boil rapidly for 15 mins till setting point is reached, pot in usual way

  22. Anne says:

    I am not familiar with the term mixed spice. Could you tell me what it is or what I could substitute?

  23. Lucy says:

    I have just made 20 jars of chutney and used jam covers to seal them, but then read in a preserves book that this is not suitable for chutneys as the vinegar rots the cover. Is this correct? I’m not sure what to do with the chutney now, whether it’ll be alright or not. Thanks.

  24. Mo says:

    Just found this recipe and will make it soon for country market. What would be helpful is how long chutney will last, most I know last a long time in fact the longer they are kept the better, but once opened does this chutney have a shorter life or not? I have tried other recipes of yours and they have always vbeen successful. MANY THANKS Mo

  25. Val says:

    At least 12 months – I’ve got one of this recipe that dates back to 2007 and, although opened about 3 months ago, is still fine. To be on the safe side, advise to keep in fridge once opened.

  26. Carole says:

    Just been foraging, and picked lots of apples and plums. Looking for a mixed fruit chutney recipe and this came up! sounds delicious. Not made chutneuy before but this sounds really straightforward.

  27. Sarah says:

    Would this work with red onions as opposed to ordinary? Just a thought. About to go shopping for ingredients.

  28. Val says:

    Yes it would.

  29. Katrina says:

    Really nice and very easy to make. Although I made 1.5x the recipe and seemed to end up with loads! I got 8 8oz jars and had to put the remainder in 2 plastic tubs!

  30. Sandra says:

    I don’t have any dates. Are they a must or would currants/raisins or sultanas do?

    Sorry if this comes up twice – one second it was there and the next gone. Must have touched something by mistake.

  31. Jude north says:

    Val can I make htis chutney with white wine vinegar instead of malt
    Thanks Jude

  32. Val says:

    Yes, use 4 oz of currants/raisins/sultanas instead. It will taste slightly different than with the dates.

  33. olliebear says:

    Just finished making this with plums,apples and a couple of pears thrown in for good measure.It smelt delicious cooking and even better when finished.Don’t know if I’ll be able to resist it long enough for it to mature so am going to make another batch.Also going to try the chilli jam recipe from Pauline as we are chilli addicts.Has anyone got any other recipes for things containing lots of fresh chillies?

  34. olliebear says:

    Also meant to ask if anyone has a cure for addiction to this site.Am spending far too long on here browsing and cooking the recipes that am not getting other things done.Will soon have to build an extension to the house to store all goodies.

  35. ann says:

    Love your recipes but not sure when to put lids on jars!! Is it after you fill the jars or when they cool.


  36. Val says:

    Put the lids on immediately after potting whilst the contents are still hot.

  37. Gill says:

    Have just made this chutney and it is great! Thanks Val your recipes are great. Thanks Gill

  38. julie says:

    Just tried this recipe, cooking now. Done it with plums, apples and strawberries and various other bits and pieces that I have collected. Let you know how it goes, it looks good in the pan!!!!

  39. karen mcleay says:

    Hi have just made a batch of plum chutney. Made it lots of times before and it’s lovely. This time it tastes very sharp and vinegary. Put the correct amount of vinegar in. Have added more sugar, no difference. Do I need to boil it longer do you think? Karen

  40. Megan says:

    Hi, Can I use frozen fruits/damsons in the chutney (and most other recipes)? Awaiting kitchen to be fitted, but collecting fruit as they are ready and the only storage method I have is the freezer. Megan

  41. Sally says:

    @Megan: I have used frozen fruits on several occasions, but you may need to use less liquid in the recipe.

  42. Chrissie says:

    Just emptied freezer and have found forgotten plums and pears, also have loads of fresh apples from garden so really pleased to find this recipe. Now have batch of chutney cooking! Really easy to follow recipe and so helpful to read the comments and suggestions of other novice chutney makers. Thank you. I’ll let you know if my efforts are successful.

  43. Janet says:

    I’ve stopped using bought pectin. I have a crab apple tree and in the autumn I boil the crab apples with enough water to cover as though making apple jelly (no sugar, of course). I then freeze the resulting liquid in ice cube trays and use them as the setting agent in my jams and jellies.

  44. Helen Ray says:

    The fruit chutney was delicious, I will make again. Easy to follow recipe.

  45. Paul says:

    Hi there I’m looking at making some chutneys. Also I would like to know how to make a jelly like chutney, can anyone help? Thank you to whomever, great site and tips by the way. From someone who just enjoys cooking.

  46. Victoria Hodgson says:

    Could I use cider vinegar? Am planning on making this very soon, as sounds delicious.

  47. Val says:

    Yes as long as it has an acidity of over 5%.

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