Zucchini (Courgette) Loaf Recipe

zucchini loaf

Zucchini (Courgette) Loaf Recipe submitted by Sue

Ingredients for Zucchini (Courgette) Loaf :

  • 3 zucchinis (courgettes) medium size
  • 8 gr salt
  • 280 gr plain flour
  • 9 gr baking soda
  • 7 gr ground cinnamon
  • 08 gr ground nutmeg
  • 3 eggs
  • 265 gr castor sugar
  • 235 ml vegetable oil
  • 10 ml vanilla extract
  • 180 gr chopped walnuts
  • 145 gr golden raisins

Method for Zucchini (Courgette) Loaf:

  1. Soak raisins in warm water for 30 mins. Strain and set aside
  2. Clean the zucchinis and trim off ends but do not peel. Shred or grate with a medium size shredder.  Sprinkle the zucchinis with a tsp of the salt and place in a bowl after mixing well. Place something really heavy on the top of the zucchinis in the bowl and allow to sit for 20 mins to purge itself of liquid.
  3. Preheat oven to 350F or 175C. Grease and flour two 8 x 4 loaf tins and set aside.
  4. Set aside 2 tbls of the flour. Sift together the remaining flour, soda, spices and the remaining ¼ tsp salt.
  5. Beat eggs for 3 minutes. Add sugar, a little at a time and continue beating for another 5 minutes. The mixture should be light in colour and thick. Continue beating and pour in the oil.
  6. Empty the zucchinis into a sieve and squeeze to release the juices.
  7. Add vanilla to the egg mix and then zucchinis.
  8. Add the dry ingredients a little at a time and mix just until the dry ingredients are mixed in. DO NOT OVERMIX.
  9. In a small bowl combine the remaining 2 tbls flour, nuts and chopped raisins and mix together to coat.  Fold into the batter. Pour into prepared tins.
  10. Bake for 1 hour or until testing skewer comes out clean.
  11. Cool a little in the pans and then remove and put onto a cake rack to cool completely.

Can be served with butter.

Posted in Vegetable Recipes, Fruit, Vegetarian Recipes, Cakes & Tarts, Courgette, All Recipes Tagged with: , , , , ,
4 comments on “Zucchini (Courgette) Loaf Recipe
  1. Izzy says:

    Marvellous site, but even better with a ‘print link’ for recipes!

  2. Sue, I would like an exact weight of the courgettes, as , similar to carrots, they differ so much in size , & in a cake , correct weights are SO important. My courgettes , weight , each one are so different , especially when you grow your own , & I love making cakes.

  3. Jenny Gilbert says:

    Really lovely cake! At present my favorite way to use up my courgettes, better than any savory recipe i’ve tried. Will definitely make it again, Thanks Sue!

  4. lyn gamble says:

    I have made this cake, really lovely.

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