Red Pepper Tapas Recipe

red pepper

Red Pepper Tapas Recipe submitted by Catlar

Ingredients for Red Pepper Tapas:

  • Plump red peppers
  • Plastic bag
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic

Quantities are totally variable.

Method for Red Pepper Tapas:

  1. Either:  Preheat oven to 200c or turn grill to high.
  2. Remove ends and seeds.
  3. Slice peppers into sections so they lie flat, skin-side up and put them to char until skins are black and blistered.
  4. Put them into a plastic bag till cool enough to handle and then pull off the blackened skins.
  5. Slice more finely now if preferred.
  6. Put them into a jam-jar or similar together with a bit of chopped garlic (optional) and top up the whole thing with olive oil to cover the peppers.
  7. Screw down and store.

Brilliant with hard-boiled eggs and tuna. If you are not ham-fisted you can char the peppers whole over a gas flame before skinning. This doesn’t, in my opinion, work as well with green peppers as they don’t seem as meaty.

Posted in Vegetable Recipes, Recipes using Herbs, Vegetarian Recipes, Garlic, All Recipes, Peppers Tagged with: , , , , ,
One comment on “Red Pepper Tapas Recipe
  1. Thank you, I always have tonns of red peppers as they are in abundance here in Spain but I have never been able to keep them as I didn’t know how to store them properly. I will definitely be using this recipie

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