Griddled Courgette Antipasto Recipe Submitted by Lorraine
Ingredients for Griddled Courgette Antipasto:
- Any amount of courgettes!
Method for Griddled Courgette Antipasto:
- Slice the courgettes length ways to about ¼ inch thickness
- Lightly brush with olive oil and place on a griddle pan for a couple of minutes
- Courgettes should remain firm not mushy
- Turn over and griddle the other side
- Pack courgettes tightly, length ways into jars (jam jars will do)
- Fill the jars to within a ¼ inch from the top with olive oil and seal the jar tightly
- Place jar in boiling water for 15 minutes to form a seal
Serve courgettes as part of a cold plate or antipasti.
Garlic or chilli can be added to taste.
I have used lots of your jam and chutney recipes very successfully but I made a couple of jars of griddled courgettes about a month ago and they have now started to ferment. I used sterilised old jam jars with the original lids. I now have even more courgettes to use and would like to preserve some for later use. Could you advise where I went wrong? Thanks
I made 2 jars of this recipe just before I went on holiday to Spain for 2 weeks (I also gave the recipe to a friend and she tried it too). I also used old jars which I thoroughly sterilised before use and was very careful about the boiling water for 15mins part of the instructions. Whilst I was away my friend phoned me and said her were fermenting. I have just returned home and mine have also fermented. I now have two jars with mushy rubbish at the top and olive oil underneath. What went wrong????
I also made 2 jars in August last year; having noted your problems I decided to cut the courgette much thinner (between 2-3 mm), these were seared on a dry griddle, seasoned with a little salt and pepper and left to cool on a kitchen tissue. Pack and fill the sterilized jars as required, then put each jar in the microwave until it is fairly warm then screw the lid on (the lids should be sitting in boiling water while the jars are in the microwave). I just started using the first jar and it is just perfect. – Good luck this year.