3 Health Services Perfect For A Vegan Lifestyle

When I decided to become a vegan, everyone warned me about my health. Many insisted that being vegan was actually unhealthy, considering that I would not be getting nutrients from meat and animal products. They told me I would get skinny and anemic, moody and unfocused.

However, I pressed ahead because I knew the opposite was true. Embracing a vegan lifestyle is not just about eating foods that are not harmful to living beings. Rather, it is a commitment to a life in which everything is intentional. I no longer eat without thinking about what I am putting in my body, and that awareness extends to just about everything.

Living a vegan lifestyle is time-consuming and sometimes difficult, but fortunately there are a number of health services that make it that much easier.

1. Meal Kit Delivery Services

Being vegan is easier than ever with meal kit delivery services. Meal kit delivery services first emerged as a novelty convenience service. Companies deliver boxes of prepared ingredients to subscribers, leaving the cooking basics to you. However, they quickly became a fantastic way of staying healthy while saving time.

As a vegan, meal prep is a normal part of my routine. Vegan meal kits save me time when I am busy. I still get to eat healthy and delicious meals, without having to spend much time cooking.

Meal kits also contribute to a low waste lifestyle. No matter how well you prepare, it is almost impossible not to let a certain amount of groceries go to waste. With meal kits, you only get what you need. This helps keep your lifestyle sustainable and contributes to the health of the planet.

2. Meditation Apps

Meditation is, to me, an essential part of a vegan lifestyle. Being a vegan means doing things intentionally. I don’t just eat to survive. When I eat, I know I’m eating. In the same way, when I go for a walk, I want to know I’m walking. When I relax in the sun, I want to do so with appreciation and gratitude.

Meditation and mindfulness apps really help with this. Headspace and Calm are the most popular. They provide huge libraries of individual meditations as well as courses. They guide you through the process, and provide value whether you are a beginner or have been practicing mindfulness for years.

Meditation apps can get you into the habit of approaching life with omre intention, contributing to a balanced vegan lifestyle.

3. Nutritionist Consultations

Veganism is not easy, and many people make the mistake of diving in alone. They end up struggling to find a healthy balance, ending up having to make significant adjustments due to health issues, or finding it ultimately unsustainable.

Every vegan should have a consultation with a nutritionist when they start, and should check in every year or so. A nutritionist will give you insight into your own personal needs. Everyone is different, which is why one-size-fits-all approaches don’t work.

Not only will a nutritionist help you discover what you need for your physical reality, but they will also find a way for you to do it sustainably. By eating meals you enjoy, you are much more likely to continue living a healthy vegan lifestyle.

Due to COVID-19, it might be worthwhile to try an online consultation with a great nutritionist.

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