Allotment Vegetable Growing in January 2008
New Rodent Control Operative On Allotment SiteTypical cat, there she was looking very proud with a mouse in her mouth, so I aimed the camera and she dropped it. Still, one less mouse to eat our peas. Hopefully, she'll develop a taste for rats, which we've got a few of on the site. |
Weeds Always Do WellThis is the view up plot 29 by the greenhouses. I'm sure it was weed free last time I looked and look at them now. Middle of January and I swear some are getting ready to flower. 10 minutes with the hoe when the rain has stopped will see them off. |
Nature Gets ReadyIt's such a sad time of year, everything seems dead, cold and miserable. Yet if you look closely, you can see things are getting ready for spring already. This bush on the plot next door proves it. All the buds just ready to burst out. Wonderful, this nature stuff. |
Inside the Compost BinI know it's not pretty, but this is the inside of my plastic compost bin. You can't see the worms, but they're there. Lots of lovely red worms, converting our kitchen waste into prime fertiliser and soil conditioner.
Compost Bins on Plot 5The re-furbished compost bins at the bottom of plot 5 haven't fallen apart - with my construction abilities a bit of a miracle! They look so empty now, just a bit in the left hand bin, but they'll be full before long. The white bits are shredded paper. We shred any confidential documents, like bank statements, and compost them. I defy any identity thief to reconstruct those. |
New Raised BedsYou can see how wet the site is and that's the reason I'm building these raised beds at the lowest end of the plot. The uprights are so that I can put netting over if I grow brassicas in them. The middle bed is finished, the bed on the left of picture still needs some work and the bed on the right has my garlic in. The fleece is because the pigeons were pulling the garlic up and scattering them around the plot. I presume they like the look but not the taste. |
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