Allotment Vegetable Growing in October 2006
The Greenhouse with a door!You can't see in this photo but there is still one small piece of glass to go in. What I am rather pleased with is that the door is on so the greenhouse should be safe from winter winds. There's a path all around and now I'm ready to start cleaning them down and sorting the interiors. |
Greenhouse WorkstationI got a greenhouse workstation from TwoWests, which I fitted up at the back of the small greenhouse while the rain poured down outside. It's really quite good and being able to fold it out of the way when the greenhouse is absolutely full in the summer is a real bonus. Even though I'm not the best with constructing things, I still managed to get it together and on in an hour. |
The View Down Plot 5Taken in a break between monsoon class rainstorms, I'm alone on the site apart from a pair of bedraggled pigeons. The French beans are beating the weeds, just, in the foreground and the green manure mustard behind is ready to be cut and dug in. In the background the bean teepees are still up, we'll be taking the actual beans from the pods pretty soon. |
Clearing Plot 29 - BeforeThe sweetcorn stumps in the foreground with the potato bed in the background, a couple of planks leaning on the big compost bin. This was before I started the autumn tidy up. |
Clearing Plot 29 - After (nearly!)The sweetcorn stumps are up, the planks neatly stacked elsewhere and the weed mat in the greenhouse. I've made a start on clearing the the potato haulm, but it's not very obvious. |
LeeksThe leeks on plot 29 are doing well, although some are a little thin the quality is nice. The weeds are doing well as you can see! In the background on the right you can see the Japanese onions under their fleece, where they are coming along well. The fleece stops the birds from pulling them out before they are established more than anything. |
Compost Bins on Plot 29The compost bin on plot 29 is about six feet by three feet by three feet, so a fair size. Filled with potato haulm and weeds it shelters under what was a rug in my office. Unfortunately for the office, the cat had a couple of accidents on it and it was getting a bit threadbare so now it has a new lease of life keeping the compost bin warm The bin to the left of picture is filled with leafmould and will be emptied soon to make way for this years supply (I hope!) |
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