Allotment Vegetable Growing in March 2010

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Garlic Growing Away

Garlic Growing Away

I started my garlic off in pots this year in January as I was late and snow was on the ground. They were just in an unheated greenhouse so whilst they had a cold spell, they benefited from the milder conditions indoors.

They've taken well to the transplanting and I'm hoping for a good crop from them

Wood Chippings on the Site

Wood Chippings on the Site

We're fortunate that the council chaps drop their wood chippings on the site. They're great for constructing paths and ideal for using on an allotment as they only last a year or two. If you decide to change things around, then the paths will just dig in and add to the humus in the soil.

Shallots Planted

Shallots Planted

Got my shallots planted and under fleece. The fleece is to protect them from the pigeons rather than the weather.  I've had whole rows of shooted shallots and onions just pulled up and scattered by the flying rats.

Notice the neat, re-covered paths. Thanks to the council for the chippings.

Jim Rotovating

Jim Rotovating

I might be well behind but Jim on a neighbouring plot is, as usual, bang up to date with things. He's getting his soil into a fine tilth ready for this years planting now spring is here.

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