Allotment Vegetable Growing in June 2009
Runner and Climbing BeansFinally got the beans planted out. This year I'm cutting production back a bit as we've enough in the freezers for another year! So just 4 teepees with runners and climbing French beans plus a short row of dwarf French beans |
Bean FrameIt looks like the fame of the Munty bean frame has spread! This rather professional looking set up is on Larry's plot at the top of the site. |
Netting SupportI often mention the importance of netting to keep birds off and that you need to keep the netting off the plants or the pigeons will eat through the gaps. This was on a plot at the top of the site and demonstrates what I keep on about. |
Brassica TentNow this is a serious amount of protection for brassicas. Not a skimpy bit of netting, more a full blown big top tent! It really is quite impressive in the flesh. |
Tomatoes in the GreenhouseI think I'm losing my touch this year. They've hardly been in the greenhouse for 5 minutes and this plant is already showing signs of a problem. I think it's tomato magnesium deficiency which is, thank goodness, fairly easy to treat by spraying with epsom salts. |
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