Allotment Vegetable Growing in July 2010
CherriesWe've a cherry tree, on dwarfing rootstock, in the garden and this year it has been really productive. Normally we get a few cherries developing and the birds get them but this year I remembered to net up in time. You can see a few of the lovely red fruits nestling in the foliage and the bird netting to the front. |
Flowers in the Greenhouse BorderDon't worry, I've not gone soft in my old age and started growing flowers as such, these are marigolds whose scent deters whitefly planted in the front of the borders. Behind are peppers and in the corner a plum bush tomato. |
Grafted PepperThis is a grafted pepper (Suttons) I picked up. The idea is that the fruiting stock is grafted to a vigorous rootstock. It's used by the commercial tomato growers who manage to get plants with up to 30 trusses against the 4 - 6 trusses normally grown at home. Strangely the leaves look a little yellow but there's loads of peppers developing earlier than the 'normal' plants to either side. |
Snails on PeppersDespite being in pots which are sitting in a propogator tray on a shelf in the greenhouse, the blessed snails still get through! This pair had been eating the leaves and were now joined together enjoying themselves! At least they died happy. |
Tomatoes Grown from SideshootsIf you find yourself short of tomato plants then there is an easy way to get some extra plants quickly for free. Just rip off a sideshoot and pop it into a pot of compost. Another benefit of this is that you have a late plant in case virus or blight gets the main plants. There's a video I made on this here: Tomatoes from Sideshoots |
Globe ArtichokesI must be over-feeding the globe artichokes or something as they've grown nearly twice as large as they should have. I really should have thinned the artichokes as there are lots of small ones and a few larger would have been nice. I think they're a plant well worth growing in a garden - an architectural feature that supplies a gourmet dish. |
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