Allotment Vegetable Growing in February 2009
Photo Shoot - Me at the allotmentI was interviewed by Emma Townshend of the Independent and they decided they wanted a photograph to go with it. So up comes Colin McPherson, a fantastic photographer, who has me down on the plot, with fork and without - holding it up, leaning on it, in Larry's tunnel, by my shed and so on. By the time he'd taken about 100 shots I was frozen. Only problem was the snow. The article came out on Sunday 8th March and described me as 'Britain's greatest allotment authority'. Since then I've had problems getting my swollen head through doors and half the allotment site are rolling around laughing. The other half are crying! |
Photo Shoot - fork over the shoulderIf you've ever thought models were over paid, you're wrong. On this shoulder, on that - look left, look right, look up, look ahead.. I was exhausted! |
Photo Shoot - In Larry's PolytunnelThen he decided he wanted a shot of me indoors but in on the plot. The greenhouse didn't work but Larry's polytunnel fitted the bill. Larry starts his garlic off in pots, so that's what I'm holding. You wouldn't believe how many ways there are to look at a plant! |
Photo Shoot - Back at homeWe went back home for a hot cup of tea and then out to the shed for some potatoes. Here's me doing I know not what with some potatoes which really interested our ginger girl, Rowan. All these photographs are used with kind permission of Colin McPherson |
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