Allotment Vegetable Growing in March 2009
Kids Playing on the PlotSunday was wonderfully sunny and the kids were having a great time on the site as their parents busily cultivated. I don't think they realised the kids were having a mud fight! What was said at the state of them is better imagined than written! |
Andy and Clare Planting PotatoesI reckon it's a bit early for planting out potatoes but this pair have proven me wrong before so good luck to them. The family that plants together sticks together! |
Larry Patrols His KingdomWith all these people on the site this sunny day, Larry was in his element. Patrolling his kingdom offering help and advice. Believe that and you'll believe anything! |
Sitting Down on the JobWho said gardening had to be backbreaking hard work. Some people have it taped. Settle down in comfort and work from a seat. |
Globe Artichokes Coming BackOne of the most impressive plants, the globe artichoke is spring back. I'd covered them in leaves to keep them warm for the winter and now they're out from under their blanket. |
Comfrey starting backOne of the first signs of spring, the comfrey is coming back to life. It's one of the most useful plants you can grow. For more information, see - Growing & Using Comfrey For Gardeners |
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