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Planning the Allotment Plot Crop Rotation Plan – Previous Year

This article is part of a series to show some of the considerations and the process when developing your own crop rotation plan in the real world. Although over 10 years old, they remain valid today.

When you start planning your crop rotation, you could consider what you will actually be growing. The first rule is to only grow what you and the family will eat. There is no point in growing something no-one likes.

If that sounds obvious, I’ve come across plot holders growing crops they don’t actually like because they felt they had to, as if it was compulsory to grow celery or broad beans which they hated.

Once you’ve listed the crops you want to grow, then sort them out according to their family / rotation groups and then into time of sowing / planting. There’s a list of different vegetables on the grow your own vegetable page and on the allotment seed shop page.

You’ll find a list of the different crops and their classification here: Plant Families & Groups

Before planning this year I need to look at what has gone before and where I stand.

Allotment Plot 5 in Previous Year

Plot 5 Plan - Crop Rotation

The chippings have been renewed around the shed and the compost bin area. Beds 1 & 2 have been combined and the comfrey bed has been slightly reduced as the production is great and I don’t need quite as much as I first thought.

The potatoes will be going into plot 29 so the plan is to finish digging over Beds 3 to 7 (harvesting the parsnips and leeks first), lime fairly heavily and reconstruct paths as the plan below.

Beds 1 & 2 have had the leafmould to condition the soil and improve texture along with  some turkey manure to improver fertility spread on them. These will be rotavated in to the soil come the spring.

Practical Example Crop Rotation

Planning the Allotment Plot Crop Rotation Plan - New Plot

Planning the Allotment Plot Crop Rotation Plan - New Plot

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Planning the Allotment Plot Crop Rotation Plan - Previous Year

Planning the Allotment Plot Crop Rotation Plan - Previous Year

This article is part of a series to show some of the considerations and the process when developing your own crop rotation plan in the real world. Although over 10 years old, they remain valid today. When you start planning your crop rotation, you...
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Planning the Allotment Plot Crop Rotation Plan - Interim Legumes

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Planning the Allotment Crop Rotation Plan - Finished!

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