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Understanding Greenhouse Planning Permission: What You Need to Know

Getting the right permissions for your greenhouse is key. You’ll need to check with your local council and see if planning permission is a must. Sometimes, making changes like altering the height or size means you need approval, too.

When is planning permission required?

You don’t always need planning permission to put up a greenhouse in your garden. This is because they often count as ‘permitted development’. This means you can go ahead without asking for permission unless specific conditions apply.

For instance, if you plan to build the greenhouse in the front garden, make it taller than the rules allow, or cover more than half of your land with it, then you must ask the local council.

The same goes for if you’re aiming to place it on protected land or near a heritage property.

Planning consent becomes necessary when changing an existing greenhouse too. If any work makes it larger or higher and falls into one of those special cases – like increasing its size on designated land or within a landmark property’s ground – you’ll need to get approval from your local planning authority first.
always check with them before starting work, especially if your home is part of a conservation area or listed building category, as different rules may apply.

Changes in height or size: Do they require permission?

Greenhouse Interior

Making your greenhouse bigger or taller might need a thumbs-up from local planners. If you plan to stretch the dimensions beyond what was originally there, it’s smart to check first.

This rule keeps everything looking good and safe in your area. For greenhouses sitting in front gardens of houses, any change that catches the eye could mean you have to get permission.

Planning rules can be strict for homes listed as historic or special. These places often need extra care when changing anything outside. So, if your home is on this list, adding size to your greenhouse will likely require an okay from those who protect buildings’ history.

Always best to play it safe and ask before making big changes – it saves time and hassle later on.

Application Process for Greenhouse Planning Permission

Applying for greenhouse planning permission is straightforward. You can do it online or by sending a form to your local authority.

  1. Check if you need permission. Most times, putting up a greenhouse in your garden doesn’t ask for planning permission.
  2. Visit the Planning Portal website. This is where you can fill out your application online. It’s easy and saves time.
  3. Gather required documents. You’ll need drawings of your plans and maybe photos of where you want to build.
  4. Fill in the application form carefully. It asks for details about your project, like sizes and materials.
  5. Pay the fee for applying. This cost varies depending on your project’s size and location.
  6. Submit your application and wait for confirmation it was received.
  7. The local planning authority checks your plans against building rules and might visit your home.
  8. Wait for a decision; this can take several weeks.
  9. If granted, you can start buying (e.g. at Halls Greenhouses) and building your greenhouse as per the plans approved by the council.

You’ll see, each step guides you through without hassle or confusion. With these steps, securing permission becomes clear and manageable, allowing you to focus on creating the perfect green space at home without legal worries hanging over your head.

Permitted Development and Other Approvals

Building a greenhouse could be easier than you think, thanks to permitted development rights. These rules let you start certain types of work without needing full planning permission.

But it’s crucial to check if your project fits these guidelines first. For example, if your home is a listed building or in a conservation area, you might need special permission.

Other approvals may also come into play. Think about building regulations – they make sure your greenhouse is safe and sound. You might not need them for all garden buildings, but checking is always smart.

Also consider if paving or changes to drainage are part of your plan; these could require additional checks with local authorities. Always take the time to ensure everything’s lined up correctly before digging starts!

Common Misconceptions about Planning Permission

Many people think they don’t need permission for small buildings like greenhouses or sheds in their garden. Yet, rules can be tricky and sometimes you do need to ask for permission—even for pruning big plants or putting up fences.

Greenhouses, sheds, and summer houses

Greenhouses, sheds, and summer houses usually don’t need planning permission. They are often seen as ‘permitted development’. This means you can put them up without too much fuss. If you want to build one in your front garden or if it’s very tall, you might need to ask for permission.

The same goes if it takes up more than half the land around your home.

If your project is near a path that people use a lot or close to a building with historical importance, check the rules first. You won’t usually need approval from the council about how buildings should be built just to set up a greenhouse.

But always double-check with local authority experts if you’re not sure about what’s allowed.

Garden fences and tree pruning

Garden fences taller than 1m need planning permission if they sit next to a road, path for walking, or listed structure. If your fence goes over 2m in height – think of adding a lattice on top – you must get permission too.

Living in a conservation area? You might have to ask before taking down any fence, wall, or gate. This shows respect for the area’s history and keeps everything looking nice.

Pruning trees doesn’t usually need permission unless it blocks drivers from seeing clearly. But always check first—it’s better to be safe! Pruning can help trees grow strong and healthy, but cutting too much might harm them.

Plus, if you live near sidewalks or streets used by everyone, make sure your hedges don’t poke out into the way where people walk or drive by. It’s all about keeping our communities tidy and safe for everyone moving around.

Retrospective Planning Permission: What it is and How to Apply

Retrospective planning permission might be something you need if you’ve already made changes to your property. This comes into play when those modifications were done without getting the green light first. Here’s how you can apply for it:

  1. Find out if you need it: Not all changes require permission. But, if you skipped this step before altering your home or land, check now.
  2. Look at your title documents: These papers often say if there are any restrictions on building things like greenhouses or sheds in your garden. It’s a good starting point.
  3. Use online tools or paper forms: You can apply for retrospective planning permission either through the web or by sending in forms. Both ways work fine.
  4. Prepare detailed drawings: You’ll need clear sketches of what has changed. Include layouts and measurements to show exactly what’s been done.
  5. Submit a householder application for smaller projects: If your project is small – think adding a greenhouse – this is likely the route for you.
  6. Consider hiring professional help: Legal services or experts in planning can make sure you submit everything correctly and increase your chances of success.
  7. Understand the fees involved: Applying costs money, so be ready to pay up as part of the process.
  8. Wait for a decision: After you submit, there will be a review period where they decide if your changes are okay.
  9. Deal with possible outcomes: If approved, great! If not, they might ask you to make changes or even remove what was built.
  10. Know about appeals: If you don’t agree with the decision, there is usually a way to challenge it legally.

Applying for retrospective planning permission sounds tricky but breaking it down into these steps makes it more manageable.

Greenhouse Growing, Coldframes etc. Further information

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