Garden Allotment & Land Pest & Weed Control Information
Pests such as rats and mice, moles and pigeons not to mention the slugs and snails all cause the gardener problems. These sites should offer some help and advice in coping with the pests.
British Traditional Molecatchers Register
Many Allotment Growers will be interested to know that a new website has been launched which will help gardeners, allotment holders and house owners find a Traditional Molecatcher. They are not easy to find these days.
invasive species removal in cumbria
Treatment of invasive species in Cumbria by Gary Hayes, including Japanese Knotweed spraying, Giant Hogweed spraying, Himalayan Balsam and Rhododendron.
Pestway Services
Fully guaranteed pest control services. OAP discounts available. Full price list can be seen on our homepage.