Carolina Reaper


The hottest pepper in the world! Carolina Reaper can reach 2.2 million Scoville Heat Units. Are you brave enough to grow them?

5 Seeds per packet £2.35

97 in stock

Meet the Carolina Reaper, the reigning champion as the hottest pepper on the planet. With an average Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) rating of a scorching 1,641,000 that can hit 2,200,000; these little gnarled peppers take spice to an unprecedented level. To put it in perspective, jalapeños, a widely recognized spicy pepper, average between 2,500 – 8,000 SHU. The Carolina Reaper holds the official top spot for its fiery intensity.

Characterized by their small, gnarled appearance, usually in a vibrant red hue, these peppers are about 1-2 inches wide (2.5–5 cm) and 2-3 inches long (5–7.6 cm). The peppers resemble something out of a horror flick, with warty bumps and a distinctive scorpion’s tail.

While the Carolina Reaper is renowned for its extreme heat, it also surprises with a fantastic flavour profile that hits you just before the intense heat kicks in. Cooking with Carolina Reapers can be a thrilling experience, adding a potent kick to your dishes. They are particularly impressive when used in jams or infusions.

Handling these peppers requires caution, and gloves are recommended to avoid any unwanted spice encounters.

Keep in mind that a little goes a long way with these fiery demons. Just two plants can yield enough peppers for the entire year. If you’re considering drying them, it’s advisable to hang them for natural drying, as using a dehydrator can release fumes that are nearly toxic. The Carolina Reaper is not for the faint of heart, but for those brave enough to embrace the heat, it offers a truly intense and flavourful culinary adventure.

More information: How to grow Chilli Peppers


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