How to Grow Chervil – A Guide to Growing Chervil
Chervil is a hardy plant and it can be used throughout the winter if grown in a sheltered spot or cold frame. It is also handy to grow a pot of chervil on the windowsill in the winter.
Varieties of Chervil
There are two varieties, curly leafed and flat leafed (both have the same flavour).
Pests and Problems with Chervil
Chervil is a problem free herb!
Growing Chervil
Sow chervil directly into soil or ordinary compost in partial shade (if sown in direct sun it can bolt). Chervil can be sown in succession from March throughout the summer.
Thin out seedlings to 15 cm (6 inches) between plants.
Harvesting Chervil
Leaves are usually ready for picking six to eight weeks after sowing. Picking the leaves regularly will stop the plant flowering and going to seed (bolting).
Eating & Storing Chervil
Chervil has a delicate taste of aniseed and caraway. It is best added raw, or at the end of cooking to retain the flavour.
Chervil can be dried but it loses much of its flavour so it is best to use fresh chervil.
Fresh chervil can be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to a week or chop the leaves and freeze with a little water in ice cubes. Another method is to chop the leaves and combine with butter then store in a fridge (short term) or freezer.
Additional Information on Chervil
Chervil has been claimed to repel slugs.