How to Grow Limes – A Guide to Growing Limes
Limes can be grown successfully in the UK but you need to remember that they are not hardy. Most varieties will tolerate temperatures down to 0 °C but some only down to 5 °C Check before buying.
As limes are sensitive to cold weather, they’re best grown in a container which can spend the summer outside and the winter in a conservatory or heated greenhouse. Consider re-potting every two years and you will soon have a thriving plant.
Growing Limes
An ideal subject for a large container on a sunny patio. Supplied as a large specimen in a 5 litre pot, will begin producing fruit within 18 months.
- Follow the general citrus growing advice.
- Plant in the spring to give them the whole growing season to settle down and establish themselves.
- Limes flower through much of the year and the fruits can take up to a year to ripen, so it is usual to find both flowers and fruits on the same plants.
- In the UK, grow in pots with good quality compost, feed in the spring and summer.
- Move into a conservatory or heated greenhouse in the winter ensuring the temperature doesn’t fall below 5C (10C with some varieties)