Filbert Nut Trees

Fruit Plants, Fruit Trees, Fruit Bushes & Nut Trees

Filbert Nut Trees

If you are going to plant a tree or bush, then it is going to be there for many years. It's well worth spending some time looking at the different varieties and going for one that will be productive and providing you with a good crop in years to come.

Time spent to prepare the ground properly will repay you many times over. Don't forget to stake the tree for the first few years and protect against rabbits.


Purple Filbert

Not only will the Purple Filbert give you a good autumnal crop of moist, flavoursome nuts, it's so attractive, with its rich copper foliage, deep purple catkins and purple fruit, that it deserves a spot in every garden. If you have the room, it would make an interesting and productive hedge. Supplied 60-70cm high (24-28") high.

Hazelnut Kentish Cob (Filbert)

Hazelnut 'Kentish Cob' is probably the best-known UK variety and easiest to grow in the garden. This attractive, bushy tree produces a mass of yellow-green catkins in the early spring followed a heavy crop of cobnuts in from September.

Cobnut 'Kentish Cob' is self-fertile and therefore does not require a pollination companion. Height and spread: 3m (9').

Hazelnut Red Cracker

A striking red filbert, with dark red leaves and pretty red husks with crisp white inner kernels. This vigorous tree is stunning in spring with its highly attractive foliage, and also provides winter interest when it is covered in yellow catkins which hold well on the tree.

Hazelnut 'Red Cracker' is self-fertile and therefore does not require a pollination companion. Height and spread: 3m (9').

Hazelnut Collection

Collection comprises:

Hazelnut 'Kentish Cob' - Probably the best-known UK variety and easiest to grow in the garden. This attractive, bushy tree produces a mass of yellow-green catkins in the early spring followed a heavy crop of cobnuts in from September.

Hazelnut 'Red Cracker' - A striking red filbert, with dark red leaves and pretty red husks with crisp white inner kernels. This vigorous tree is stunning in spring with its highly attractive foliage, and also provides winter interest when it is covered in yellow catkins which hold well on the tree.

Please note that all prices and descriptions on this site are believed correct but should be confirmed on the relevant site prior to order. Please let me know if you find an error via the contact page.
Copyright Information: The Images, seed Descriptions and Titles on this page are used with permission of the copyright holders - Dobies Seeds, Suttons Seeds, Thompson & Morgan

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