Damson Trees
Fruit Plants, Fruit Trees, Fruit Bushes & Nut Trees
If you are going to plant a tree or bush, then it is going to be there for many years. It's well worth spending some time looking at the different varieties and going for one that will be productive and providing you with a good crop in years to come.
Time spent to prepare the ground properly will repay you many times over. Don't forget to stake the tree for the first few years and protect against rabbits.
For advice on growing damsons see our Grow Your Own Damsons guide.
Damson Tree - Merryweather
Ideal for preserves. Large blue-black fruit with yellow flesh, wonderful rich tangy flavour. Delicious with yogurt or ice cream or in pies, jams and liqueurs. Eat straight from the tree when fully ripe. Self-fertile.
Damson Merryweather
A self-fertile variety of medium size and vigour, producing large fruit that are easier to prepare than smaller-fruited varieties. They have a good Damson flavour which produces superb, richly flavoured preserves.
Damson : Merryweather
A self fertile variety of medium size and vigour, producing large juicy fruits ready to pick in late August. A heavy cropper with easy to harvest and prepare large fruits, ideal for making delicious flavoured preserves.
Copyright Information: The Images, seed Descriptions and Titles on this page are used with permission of the copyright holders - Dobies Seeds, Suttons Seeds, Thompson & Morgan