Suet-Free Mincemeat Recipe Submitted by Carol
A suet-free alternative filling for the Christmas classic – mince pies.
Ingredients for Suet-Free Mincemeat:
- 1lb cooking apples, peeled and chopped.
- 1lb mixed dried fruit
- 4 oz muscavado sugar
- 1 teaspoon mixed spice
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- ½ teaspoon ground cloves
- ½ pint dry cider (apple juice is ok)
Method for Suet-Free Mincemeat:
- Bung the lot in a pan and bring to the boil.
- Simmer gently until thick enough.
- Store in the freezer until you need it, I usually put it in 1lb lots.
- Will keep in sterile jars in fridge for a couple of months.
Smells absolutely fab, enjoy.
Have just used this recipe and I can confirm it is delicious and as you say the smell is divine!
Great simple recipe. Thanks.
This recipe is a joy to make , at any time & years ago , when I made mincemeat without cooking the apples , some times it ” fermented” so I know this is the best way to make mincemeat ( & use any dried fruit you have , )
“Oh Carol, The “faller apples are so good to use for mincemeat , & dozens of them right now , I use a similar recipe , from Farmhouse mag , of the 1950’s I add zest & juice of 1 or 2 lemons , & of oranges too. I cut prunes ( with scissors is easiest) even dried dates & figs & make double ie 2 pounds apples ( any kind ) & 1 1/2 pounds of white sugar . a drop of water , to stop it sticking , & cook it low.I pot mine , as I use my freezer only for my fruit & veg , so we can have green beans & blackcurrant crumble in the winter. This recipe always ” works” .
Thank you for this recipe. Very easy to make, good way of using some of our huge amount of cooking apples this year. It tastes lovely and I certainly won’t be buying mincemeat again! My house smells of Christmas.
How much does this recipe make please?