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Aphids – Natural Helpers & Organic Controls for Aphids

This great tip for organically controlling aphids and using natural helpers against aphids was sent in by a reader.  We’ve not tried all the tips – so if you try a tip, let us know how you got on in the comments box below.

Whitefly aphids

Whitefly aphids on pepper plant in the greenhouse

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Natural Organic Helpers & Controls Against Aphids

We all know that no matter what we do sooner or later aphids will attack our crops. Outdoors or in, it makes no difference, here come the aphid family. Sucking the life from leaf and stem as well as spreading diseases.

There are however lots of beasties available to us to help reduce or even prevent any infestation. Lady birds are very well known helpmates, but there is one other who quietly does a stirling job and only needs a little persuasion to live in our vegetable patch.

Behold the little insect with a veracious appetite, the bee look-a-like, the super worker the “Hover Fly”!

Plant some Poached Egg Plant (Limnanthes Douglasii) or some Buck Wheat (Fagopyrum Esculentum) and you may get 20 plus species of natural aphid predator to lay their eggs and help to protect your crop.

Plant the Tobacco plant (Nicotiana Sylvestris) and its sticky leaves will trap white fly by the hundreds.

Some marigolds emit a scent that whitefly don’t like. Plant a few in the greenhouse to help keep your crops clear.

Remember if you rid your garden completely of one insect the chances are you will let another take over. Its best to try for a healthy balance. Try not to overkill anything there is room for most of these beasties and they all fulfil a purpose.

With thanks to Henry for this tip on organically controlling aphids using natural controls and helpers.

See all our Gardening & Growing Tips

See also Biological Controls and Insect Pest Control in the Allotment Shop

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