Clearing the Allotment Plot, Preparing for Winter
Reflections on the brassica disaster and the tidy up for winter continues.
Reflections on the brassica disaster and the tidy up for winter continues.
The trauma of working through a beautiful day and the joys of sneaking off early to the plot to plant onions and brassicas
Moving on the brassicas and the garlic to the coldframe
Greenhouse holding up under the freezing weather and yet more digging.
Weatherproofing the greenhouse and transplanting brassicas.
Nostalgia and seed sowing - you'll see what I mean!
Well the summer didn't last long, but I still got a couple of hours in.
New diary system so a bit behind on the entries. 2nd cut of comfrey - already!
Sunny weather so to the plot at 3pm until 8pm. Strawberry bed planted up and using the Mantis as well as sowing root crops
Sowing and transplanting today. Everything from leeks to brassicas