Storing the surplus
Decided to try Allotment Lady’s recipe Spicy Tomato Cooking Sauce ? Bulk Recipe – Freezes well being as the weather has been foul and we have a glut of tomatoes.
Being as a recipe is of more use in the kitchen than on the computer (unless your computer is in the kitchen) decided to print it out. Well, sorry if you have tried to print a recipe, bit of a mess wasn’t it?
So wrote a print style sheet that hides the bits of the page you don’t need and tried again. Bit of fiddling about and I was happy with the result.
Anyway, having some 14lbs of ripe tomatoes to deal with, to the kitchen. I thought it best to try a batch first and got to work. In her recipe Tomato Cooking Sauce – 2 ? 4 portions depending on your appetite. she mentions adding other vegetables so I roasted a few peppers (we have a glut of those as well) chopped and added to the mix.
Absolutely fantastic.
So made another batch as well – to the freezer with them.
Val took some time off from her astrology to look at drying produce. Sun drying sounds great, apart from not having any sun! Considered the idea of drying in the oven. This seems to involve leaving the door ajar. With four curious cats who know good things often come from the oven, that may not be the best idea in the house.
Maybe a dryer will come up on ebay or suchlike.
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