Tomatoes, Sweetcorn and Little Else

Well between one thing and another I managed to get a few hours down on the plot  today.  First job was to water in the greenhouses, of course. The tomatoes aren’t looking too great, nothing I can put my finger on, they  just don’t look too happy.

The carrots in the big greenhouse seem to have doubled in size  in three days since I thinned them, so something’s doing well. The potatoes in the deep bed cold frame are flowering, usually a sign that tubers are forming,

Since I thought the tomatoes could do with a boost I gave them some comfrey tea to perk them up and a couple of gallons to the potatoes as well. The potash in the comfrey  tea will help the potatoes form the sugars and starches needed in the tubers.

The next task was to put some bamboo canes in by the tomatoes to support them and cross tie the canes to the greenhouse frame to  enusre they stay stable when the plants grow, I used some thin washing line for  that but was,  of course, six inches short  to do the second row. Sow another little job for the list.

Next into the small greenhouse where I put a couple of Ailsa Craig and  a Sungold into  large pots (actually flower buckets  with holes drilled in, 99p for 8 from Morrisons)  which will stay in the small  greenhouse. The idea is that if some disease strikes in one house, the other  may be OK.

I was a short of potting compost so sieved some of the bulk compost  and mixed it 50/50.  The San Marzano in small 3″ pots got moved into large pots  so I can bring them on a bit more before they go out. They very slow to develop and I wish I’d stuck with Plum Roma. Still, the final result will be known at harvest.

Back on plot 5  the sweetcorn still in pots in the coldframe needed to go out. These are the runts of the litter but they may catch up yet. I was unsure if  they were worth planting but there’s nothing to lose really by giving them a go. So two rows went out under cloche.

I’ve removed the panels from one end of the rest of the cloches since  the corn is pushing at the top and they’ll be coming off very shortly so hardening off is in order.

That was about it for today.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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