Well it’s been ages since I was last on the plot and everything is in limbo. After last year when the winter was so mild this one is turning into a bit of a shock. As I started to write this, the thermometer on the shed in the back garden was telling me that it was minus 5 and the frost was thick over everything.
Digging over the plot when things are like this is not a good idea. It’s true the exercise would keep me warm but it’s not a good idea digging clay over when it’s like this. They say it will warm up a bit at the weekend but then we’re into Christmas, rushing around visiting and being visited by the relatives.
Still, we’re doing better than Forum member Trillium in the wilds of Ontario, Canada. Her main problem is deep snow and minus 10. Chilly! Even the Handscombes in Spain had minus 5 the other morning.
So we got the main potato order sorted out today. I’m trying Swift as a first early for the first time along some Anya, which we think is an amazing potato. Valor and Kestrel as well as some Sarpo Mira complete my potato order.
The members of our National Vegetable Society local got together to place an order for seed potatoes. They’re under a pound a kilo and they’re graded top quality tubers aimed at the show growers.
The seed potatoes we had from the allotment shed last year were not the best. Many of the tubers were tiny and Larry reckoned some were rotting before he even started chitting them.
Because we all got together and ordered over 30Kg we not only got them at a low price and with free delivery. RESULT! In fact our total order was 82Kg.
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