Since the weather seems to be stuck in arctic mode and we’re still living on various cold remedies, I’ve been busy playing with the web site.
I asked in my last newsletter if anybody had any articles they would like published. I had a response from maxsalad or Stephen Watts as he is also known. He kindly sent some articles for the site and I’ve got the first three up. The Allotment – The City Dwellers bit of Country introduces to his Allotment Journey and A Step to Sustainable Living and we finish off with his Allotment – Some Tips to Get You Started.
Back in the vegetable growing guides section, I’ve added how to grow radishes to the brassicas section. Radishes may not seem difficult to grow but even the humble radish benefits from a bit of know how. It takes a while but the guides are building up . Growing radishes
I’ve also moved all the container growing articles into one section. This is part of my master plan to make it easier to find things on the site. We’ve a lot of really useful information but if you can’t find it, then it’s useless.
You might notice a new style creeping in. I feel it’s more readable and I’m gradually updating as I go along. It all takes time but I think it’s worth it.
Val’s popped some articles up on drying foods. There’s one on drying fruit & vegetables along with one on drying herbs. She’s putting specific instructions into the recipes section as she goes along. One thing she wanted me to mention was that if you find yourself with a load of cheap Satsuma’s after Christmas or the shop’s throwing out some you can make marmalade at any time of year. Making marmalade.
There will be more coming over the week and I’ll announce them here.
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