It’s National Allotments Week! OK, what now? Maybe I’m an old cynic (OK, there’s no maybe about it) but it seems to me to be on a par with National Dental Hygienists Week or National Basketball & Hip-Hop Culture Month (I kid you not). A sort of good marketing idea.. and that’s about it.
Of course an allotment week gives something to keep press interest up in allotments – most of the press are scratching around for a story in August so it encourages journalists to write about allotments. And they all write the same thing.. waiting lists.
So, to those who have emailed me about it being National Allotment Week – yes I know. But here, every week is allotment week!
The real celebration of an allotment depends on the plotholder. It could be carrying home the harvest, sitting down to a home grown meal, chatting on the plot or just, as I’ve done many times, sitting alone on the site watching the sunset after a hard day’s work.
Back at the ranch, the new lawnmower arrived this morning. Can’t moan about the speed of delivery – order on Friday and delivered Monday! The instruction book was pretty thick. I sat down to read it with a sinking feeling but soon realised it was in about a dozen languages. I’m tempted to write to them demanding a Welsh translation.
Monday is usually a busy work day for me and this was no different so assembly will have to wait. I’m really not good with machinery. If the car breaks down I’m more likely to try and beat it into working with a branch like Basil Fawlty than look under the bonnet. So I might beg some help from my neighbour who’s a bit of a wizard engineer type.
Back still playing up and the leg aches. Standing up and walking gets me so sit down which gets me after a bit. Just can’t relax.
Please, John see your friendly neighborhood doctor about your leg. I have had what is known as “referred pain”. The pain was in one place and the problem was in an entirely different location. This could be quite serious but
if you get to it soon enough maybe it could be easily and quickly fixed.
I read all your sites everyday, including your new “Paper”, and if anything were to happen to you I would be at quite a loss for you are my window onto the world. Please keep all of us posted about your physical condition as well as all the progress at Fron Dirion. Your Fans are concerned.