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How to Freeze by Carolyn Humphries

How to Freeze by Caroline HumphriesHow to Freeze: Everything You Need to Know About Freezing and Freezer Managment by Carolyn Humphries is a practical book and worth every penny in our opinion.

Everyone who grows their own at some point experiences a glut and wonders what they can do to store it for the harder months ahead. This book explains food preparation, packaging suggestions, storage times, defrosting techniques, hygiene, and food safety.

With this book you’ll know what needs blanching, what can be frozen fresh from the plot, how to freeze berries to avoid them ending up a sticky clump on defrosting, and many other hints and tips that will help you not only get the best out of your plot, but the best out of your freezer too.

Through Amazon you can pick up both new and second hand copies for as little as a penny plus postage.

Amazon Reviews of How to Freeze:

“Have you ever thought “I wonder if I can freeze this?” Or do you often over cater and have a lot of food left? If so, then this is the book for you. This book has taught me that many, many different types of food can be frozen, as long as they are prepared in the right way.

Foods are listed in alphabetical order, giving tips on preparation for freezing, different ways of freezing, how long you should freeze for etc. This book has become an essential item in my kitchen and I would highly recommend it. Since I have bought this book I have wasted less food and saved more money.

This book has paid for itself many times over.”

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