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Planning the Allotment Plot Crop Rotation Plan – New Plot

The big problem, that only became apparent shortly after I took the plot over, was the horsetail or marestail that infested the area in red on the plan above.

Because of this, I only actually utilised Deep Bed 3 of the deep beds because I had already planted salad crops when I discovered how much mares tail there was.

Allotment Plot 29 shortly after taken over

Plot 29 2004 - Crop Rotation

Bed 1 had 4 teepees of runner beans plus dwarf french beans, Bed 2 had potatoes and Bed 3 sweet corn, squash and pumpkins.

At the end of the year, DB3 was cleared and sprayed with amcide. I seem to have eradicated the bulk of the mares tail successfully, but it still keeps popping up the odd shoot which is spot treated.

Where the previous occupant had his sheds and greenhouse (it was well furnished) the soil was very compacted with layers of sand and gravel on top. I double dug it incorporating masses of turkey manure and some horse manure (a gift from the neighbouring plotholder). On top went the contents of used annual plant pots and grow bags. This will be dug in in the spring.

A pile of topsoil went from the compost bins onto this area as well.

DB3 (Deep Bed 3) will be moved into alignment with DB4 to allow the path to separate me from the adjoining plot, which still has mares tail. Paths will be wood chippings and the new large bed will be rotavated in the spring.

Bed 1 has autumn planted onions and garlic at the southern end with field beans as a green manure at the northern end.

Bed 2 is planted with field beans as a green manure.

Bed 3 was rough dug and given a good liming.

Bed 4 is left rough dug and unlimed.

Plot 29 for Current Year

Allotment Plot 29 Crop Rotation Plan

Concrete path to north, other paths in yellow from wood chippings.

Approximate Bed Dimensions
Total Plot 68.5′ X 20′ 1370 sq ft
Bed 1 13′ X 18′ 234
Bed 2 13′ X 18′ 234
Bed 3 10′ X 8′ 80
Bed 4 29’6″ X 9′ 265
Deep Bed 1 8′ X 3′ 24
Deep Bed 2 8′ X 3′ 24
Deep Bed 3 8′ X 6′ 48
Deep Bed 4 8′ X 6′ 48
Deep Bed 5 6’4″ X 3′ 19

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Planning the Allotment Plot Crop Rotation Plan - New Plot

Planning the Allotment Plot Crop Rotation Plan - New Plot

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